Travel Medicine Society of Ireland
We are an association of over 300 doctors, nurses and pharmacists working part-time or whole-time in the field of Travel Medicine. Our aim is to promote the highest standards of care for our patients through:
- the provision of education for our members (through quarterly educational seminars and our newsletter Taisteal, published three times a year)
- communication to our members of disease outbreak news (regular e-mailed updates cascaded from Ireland's Public Health alert network)
- advising members on postgraduate training options
- contributing to national vaccination policy through our membership of Ireland's National Immunisation Advisory Committee
- international collaboration through the Northern European Conference of Travel Medicine (NECTM) – we are one of the eight national societies which make up the Streering Group of this biennial conference
- international collaboration through the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) – one of the nine Executive Board positions of the world body that leads Travel Medicine is currently occupied by one of our Executive Committee members
The Society was founded in 1995, initially as the Irish Society of Travel Medicine. The founding members were Dr. Dom Colbert, Dr. Graham Fry, Dr. John Fleetwood Snr., Dr. Nancy Gallagher and Dr. Anne-Marie Harney.